Brewery- Mt. Carmel
Beer- Coffee Brown
ABV- 6%
IBU- 38
The breakfast beer of Mt. Carmel Brewing Company, this unique brown ale is a collaboration of local brewers and roasters. The bold aroma of Cincinnati’s Deeper Roots Coffee balances a body of dark malt, chocolate and toast. Subtle notes of sweet maple and coffee create a refreshingly delicate finish perfect for the start of your morning.
Let’s start with what this beer is, from a simple description sense. It’s pours a nice clear brown color, with a tan head that thins out fairly quickly. The color is a light reddish brown color. But the aroma. Oh that delicious aroma. It’s a mixture of nice fresh coffee beans, and a slight toasted nuttiness all swirled together into a beverage that just begs to be tasted. The flavor is much the same, but I’m struck by how easy drinking it is. The crisp, but not overpowering carbonation makes this easy to knock it back and enjoy the delicious coffee beer.
I’m sold on this beer 100%, this was one of the first coffee beers locally that wasn’t a big stout, and it’s something I hope to keep seeing from breweries. I love the flavor of coffee, but there are times that I’m not in the mood for all the big stout flavors that tend to be thrown along with it. This beer lets the coffee really become a star, and it shines wonderfully. If you haven’t tried this…rush out now and get some to try. If you have tried it before…heck. Go pick up some more to stock your fridge with!