Work is moving steadily along in a forward motion on one of Cincinnati’s newest, or soon to be, breweries as we speak…or as you read. Fibonacci Brewing in Mt. Healthy is making solid progress toward their goal, with their logo being finalized and released today (You didn’t realize that today was Fibonacci Day? And that this post was made at 11:23?). They are hoping to have a sign up on their building before the end of the year, along with some new windows in the space, and some more fresh paint on it all.
Licensing is still in the works, with the Federal license working it’s way through the system.
The big news today is the logo that you are looking at right now. The logo is the first piece of the puzzle that is becoming the overall look and theme for Fibonacci. They are being tight lipped about a lot of the details still, letting some stuff be a surprise, but I think it’s fun to see how it’s all coming together. My take on Bob and Betty is this: Bob is a traditional nerd… Math, Science and the like. On the other side of the nerd spectrum you have Betty, who grows organic food in her yard, loves plants, and nature. Together they meet under the beer nerd banner. The brewery space seems as if it will be a perfect meeting in the middle of how the science and math of the world is ever-present in nature…and in beer! It’s a great theme that I have never seen explored, and the logo shows this perfectly.
The logo work for Fibonacci is just the most recent work done by Thommy Long of LemonGrenade Creative. You might be familiar with some of his other work for Listermann and Triple Digit, Bad Tom Smith, Taft’s Ale House, Quaff Brothers, the Beer and Sweat competition, and a bevy of local festivals are all other local beer projects that Thommy has had his hand in, among several others. He is quickly becoming the “goto” guy for Cincinnati beer design, and if you stay tuned here to the blog, you will be hearing a lot more about him in the near future, I love this guy. I had the chance to sit down with him for a few minutes the other day to really see how he made the logo, and got a great look of how Fibonacci developed from “too science” to “not science enough”. I love seeing this development, and can’t wait to see what Fibonacci has for us in the near future!
Keep your eye on Fibonacci’s Facebook page, and their Twitter account, along with this very blog of course for updates on the exciting progress of Mt. Healthy’s newest, and most likely even, first brewery.