You know Spring in Cincinnati has arrived when Christian Moerlein lets loose with their annual Strawberry Pig – a strawberry flavored cream ale. It’s almost a holiday in my house with my wife going a little crazy over the beer. Actually… next to Hefeweizen, it might be her favorite thing that you can stock her beer fridge with (yes… separate beer fridges are one of the secrets to a happy marriage for us).
Imagine the pure excitement in my household then when you factor in that this year Moerlein is not only letting their Pig out into the wild, but they’ve taken a page from the Lager House’s creativity and have blended it with a batch of their Se7en Hefeweizen to create this years Strawberry Banana Pig. You might have caught a glass or two of this at the lager house before under the name Piggyweizen, as its just one in the line of fun blends that the folks down there have come up with around Strawberry Pig and their other beers, adding a new layer to the Christian Moerlein tap lineup.
About The Beer
This is a summertime drinker… light, fruity and refreshing. Designed for porches, patios, and decks across the city. Coming in at 4.7% abv, you can crack open a few of these and not feel guilty about doing it, either.
You can snag this for yourself starting this Friday, March 22nd in the Moerlein Malt House taproom starting at 4pm, and you’ll start seeing the six packs of 12oz cans headed out to your favorite beer stores the week following.,