It’s time for another week’s episode, and this one is coming a little late… because life.  I’m getting in the swing of how to make this work, though – so I promise we’ll get into a nice rhythm now with new episodes.  I’ve been toying with a couple ideas for the show, too.  After the holidays I should have some new gear installed in the studio which will enable phone calls… which means that yes- I should be able to take some calls and have some “guests” on the show that way.  I think it might be a fun addition to things!

I have Episode 004 from last night all ready to go, too.  I’ll wait and fire it off tomorrow morning for you!  As always, thanks for your support – I hope to see everyone out at Big Cis on Saturday, 12/14 – I’ll have the very first prototype hats from the new online store, so that’s fun, right?

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