Whenever people ask me how I’ve been, the answer is almost always the same.  I’ve been busy.  It’s a great way to be, though – it means stuff is happening.  Aside from the fact that I’m trying to be a good Husband, Father, and all the other roles that my “normal” life entails – I’ve been hard at work on some pretty big projects as far as my “Gnome-life” goes, too.

I hope that you’ve had a chance to catch the weekly livestream that I’ve been doing, called The Weekly Pint – it’s starting to get really fun now with the ability to take phone calls in studio, and I only hope to keep that growing this year.

In addition – there’s now an online shop active on TheGnarlyGnome.com where you can purchase t-shirts, hats, stickers… all sorts of fun stuff that I’ve been hard at work creating.

Don’t think that you’ve seen the last of new things to come from the Gnome world, either… we’re just getting started!  Keep listening, keep watching… and the biggest help?  Keep sharing!

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