If ever there was a holiday built for a brewery – Pi Day is built for Fibonacci Brewing in Mt. Healthy. I suppose that might sound like a bit of a strange sentence if you aren’t familiar with the nano-brewery located at 1445 Compton rd, right in the heart of the ‘central corridor’ – so hang with me while I explain.
Geeks In The Best Way
I’ve written about Fibonacci a lot in the past here on the blog (read more about them here) but the simplest way to explain who they are is that they are a little nerdy. The brewery is owned by Betty and Bob Bollas, and while Bob is more of a math and science geek, Betty is an outdoorsy, farm-y, nature sort of geek. Those two sides of their collective geekiness come together in what has now become known as Fibonacci Brewing.
That doesn’t even begin to encapsulate what their tiny brewery has become, though. Not only do they operate a small brewery, but they also have an Airbnb, an urban farm, and what I determined in 2021 was absolutely the best beer garden in the city that year.
This place has become a hub, not just for folks looking to have a tasty beer – but for something much bigger, too. I think that Fibonacci is probably the best example in Cincinnati beer of a brewery that knows who they are, that spent as much time before they opened not just “branding” – but making sure that their brand actually meant something to them… and then owned it.
That’s who they are… which is why Pi day makes so much sense.
Pi Day

While Pi (the number… 3.14159… and on, and on) has been around for thousands of years at this point – Pi Day as a celebration started back in 1988. Former physicist Larry Shaw celebrated the first Pi Day with fruit pies and teas, and the groundwork was laid for Fibonacci to come in 2018 and take over the celebration.
The brewery, whose taproom takes a ton of cues from a science classroom knew when they opened their doors that the holiday would be perfect to create one of their yearly events around. in 2018 they hosted their first Pi Day celebration, which centers around a big pie-eating contest – featuring a lot of their friends that own or work at businesses throughout the central corridor of route 127.
2020 and 2021 weren’t good for Pi Day at Fibonacci… because of, well… you know. But this year it finally returns in all its glory.
2022’s Celebration!
This year, today… on March 14th (get it, Pi… 3.14, March 14th?) Fibonacci is hosting the big return of their Pi Day celebration in their beer garden. At 6pm, it all goes down – and it’s going to be pretty epic.
The contestants this year will feature folks from Urban Artifact, Humble Monk, Higher Gravity, Marty’s Hops N Vines, and the returning, undefeated champion – Mark Landers from Brink Brewing Company.
Each contestant will have to eat their locally made pie (they’re from North College Hill Bakery) while the rest of us feast on Pizza (get it… pizza pie…) from Big Dogs Pizza – and of course, knock back a few awesome beers. The winner might get a trophy – but the real winners are going to be the rest of us for getting to watch, and drink.
This contest is an absolute blast, and if you haven’t been to Fibonacci before, well… it just might provide that perfect excuse for you to make it happen!