I can’t emphasize it loudly enough, or frequently enough – yet I can’t help but try to point it out anyways. The craft beer industry, and the community that surrounds it are amazing. And the only way to keep it that way is to keep being amazing to each other.

It’s not just about what’s in your glass…

I’m blown away, time and time again by the good that this industry can do when it bands together for a cause – and it’s time again to showcase the good we’re able to do.

Time To Help

This week was a rough one. A couple tornados hit the Dayton area hard, and unleashed hell on the people, their homes and their businesses. I can only assume that this isn’t news to you – but regardless… it’s time to step up.

Our brewing community is doing what it can to band together to gather supplies, and send some help to our neighbors up north.

What To Do

There are several ways you can do your part in this. Number one… the community is looking for more drop off locations, non-perishable food items, bottled water, clothing, Red Cross donations, fundraising nights… anything to help.

There are drop off locations for food, water, and clothing at:

  • Taft’s Brewpourium
  • Grainworks
  • Streetside
  • 3 Points
  • March First
  • Little Miami
  • Rhinegeist

This Friday morning (I know… that’s tomorrow and not a lot of notice) both Taft’s and Grainworks will be headed north to take some donated items to Dayton, and Rhinegeist will be taking another trip up to drop things off on Monday morning, 6/3.

Also… if you like to do your helping by drinking – you can snag a pint of Little Miami’s new Milk Stout, called ‘Dayton Strong’ and $1 from each they sell will go to relief efforts.

Do you part. Be Gnarly… Help other people.

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