16 Lots – Palmyra

By: The Gnarly Gnome
Photos By: The Gnarly Gnome

Brewery – 16 Lots
Beer – Palmyra
Style – Hefeweizen
ABV – 5.5%
IBUs – 15

Palmyra hefeweizen is a traditional unfiltered German wheat ale bursting with flavors of banana and clove. This delicious, hazy beauty delivers exactly what you expect from the style.

There aren’t a lot of things that scream summer beer drinking to me quite like a delicious hefeweizen. 16 Lots knows that, and let loose on this tasty beer in the dog days of summer in 2020 in cans for me to enjoy whether by the pool or just hanging out on the porch in the evening.

The beer (as when it was released all the beers at 16 Lots were…) takes its name after a bit of Mason, Ohio’s history. Back in 1803 when William Mason paid $1700 for the 640 acres that you now know as Mason, he didn’t call it that. He actually called the new plat of land Palmira. As these things go, once he died and things were recorded in official records – the name was written down as Palmyra.

But… history aside – what’s this beer taste like?

My Thoughts on 16 Lots Palmyra

In the glass (hopefully in a sweet Gnarly Gnome branded glass) Palmyra pours a really delicious bright golden-yellow color with a massive foamy white head on top.

Aromas drift from a big bready wheat aroma to a light wispy honey aroma. The hints of banana that you get at the end let you know exactly what you’re in for when you finally get around to tasting it.

Speaking of the taste: It’s so flippin’ good. Full-bodied, this beer is filling, in a really great way. It’s loaded up with both the banana and clove flavors that you probably crave when you think of the beer style. The wheat-breadiness comes in nice and strong… have I mentioned that this is really, really freaking tasty?

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