RivertownThis just popped up recently from the TTB and is going to be a really fun release from Rivertown. I wanted to share a little bit about ‘Brett T shirt Contest’ with you folks, to keep you in the loop with what I think is going to be one of my favorite releases of the year.

I love Brett IPAs.  I have been in love with them ever since I first got a chance to try one that had been cellared for a little bit.  Now, keep in mind that these are fantastic beers fresh, when you get some of these fresh, fruity hops and let them play with the flavors of Brettanomyces some really magical things can happen in your mouth.  But the real fun for me is how the beer changes over time.

We all know that you’re not supposed to age IPAs… the hops drop out and the beer becomes something completely different than it was ever intended to be… but that’s sort of the fun part when you have a Brett IPA.

The hops drop out, the brettanomyces starts to develop new characteristics and the beer changes into something completely different… It’s fun stuff…  A bit of a nerdy experiment… Most of us are pretty familiar with just drinking our beer as we buy it, but once you start exploring the fun of collaring it’s easy to see why it’s such an addicting hobby!

About The Beer

So here’s what we know from the label of this:

An India Pale Ale with a unique blend of 7 strains of Brettanomyces, brewed with Galaxy, Mosaic, and Citra Hops, and dry-hopped with Mosaic, Simcoe, and Amarillo.  Enjoy fresh for the complex aromatics, or age and give each strain of Brettanomyces a chance to step forward, and show what it can do.

Oh hell.  This is gonna be a beast of a beer.  Some of my favorite hops are thrown into a beer that I’m not sure the brewery really even knows yet will taste like with some cellaring on it.  This is going to be a fun one!

The best part?  When this sucker finally hits store shelves sometime in March it’s gonna be right in line with their other bombers in the Liquid Ingenuity Series… 5.99 price point.  This means it’s right in line price wise for you to grab a few of them… try it fresh, stash some away… really experiment with this one to figure out the sweet spot for you.

Isn’t this what makes beer so great?

Stay tuned for a solid release date and any more information as it comes in… and clear spots in both your cellar and your beer fridge… you’re gonna need it for this one!


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