UPDATE: You can read about Rhinegeist’s full Rarity series over here if you want to know what you’ve missed out on!
Oh.. Rhinegeist how you get me excited… If you’ve been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for each of their rarity beers from their line of 22oz bombers, here’s a heads up for you, the next beer that we’re getting a glimpse of is Equinox. Equinox is a delicious hop, you might have tasted it in Sierra Nevada’s single hop Equinox IPA back at the end of last year. The hop is known for some really great aromas of lemon, lime, papaya, apple and green pepper. I can’t wait to see what Rhinegeist does with their approach to it.
The Label Reads:
Pale Ale brewed with Equinox hops for an intense bouquet of papaya, apple, key lime and bell pepper.
Sounds about right, and sounds pretty delicious if you ask me… So keep your eyes peeled on your bottle shop’s shelves to snatch this one up when you see it. If it follows the trend we saw with Mosaic, you should be able to pick it up for around 6 bucks, which is a great bargain for a fresh, delicious, local IPA that really showcases an awesome single hop.
UPDATE: Slipping in right after ‘Equinox’ is a Saison Farmhouse Ale called “Fool” whose description reads:
Saison Farmhouse Ale dry hopped with Lemondrop hops with aromatics of tart lemon, pepper and spring flowers.
Another example of style that it sounds like Rhinegeist will have a blast putting their own west-cost spin on… can’t wait to try it! Keep your eyes peeled!
This follows on the heals of their other Rarity 22oz bottles that I hope you have gotten the chance to enjoy so far: