It’s grown exponentially… I think my first Chickow! Day saw something like 4 variants on tap. I suppose you can blame us drinkers… Never quite satisfied with how things are, always wanting more. It’s amazing, though to see the posts on social media letting us know that we’re going to be blessed with at least 10 variants of everyone’s favorite Imperial Maple Brown Ale.
Let’s start with the nagging question for beginners…
What’s Chickow!?
First off… How can you exist as a beer drinker in Cincinnati if you don’t know about Chickow? I’ll try to suspend my initial disbelief for a moment to help you out…that is why I’m here after all. If you need to read my tasting notes on the original Chickow…that might be the easiest way to get an impression of what this beast is… But my go to recommendation is that you’ll never really “get it” until you sip away at a pint of your own.
The short story? Chickow! Is a Double Brown ale with hazelnuts. It’s big…sweet…delicious and a local favorite to a lot of people. That’s probably how it came to deserve it’s own national holiday.
Chickow Day 2016
Unfortunately, unlike last year’s Chickow Day, there aren’t any bottles available of variants (though I’m sure that there will be some regular old Chikow to buy…) However… I think this year’s variant lineup is a step up from last year’s (my opinion only…relax).
- Chocolate Coconut Chickow! (Sneak Preview of the next ‘League’bottle
- Chai Chickow!
- Irish Cream Chickow!
- Nuts on Nuts Chickow! (Hazelnut, Peanut and Almond)
- Maple Chickow!
- Cinnamon Roll Chickow!
- Maple Chickow!
- Red Hot Chickow!
- Regular Chockow!
- Rye Whiskey Coffee Chickow!
- BA Heaven Hill Chickow!
- Pappy Chickow! (The Last Keg)
Keep in mind a couple things – these aren’t all going to be tapped at once, so plan accordingly… And don’t get all upset about that, they just don’t have enough tap space. Also, it might seem a little bit strange, but if you’ve got a muffin tray – bring it with you. There are going to be a lot of samples scooting around the taproom that day, and unfortunately they don’t have flight trays that fit this sheer number of beers…so improvisation is a necessity.
Mark Your Calendar… Call your friends…. Get your drinking shoes on – Chickow Day kicks off at the Listermann taproom on Saturday, May 7th at 10am… Be There.