Not feeling well? Have the “blahs”? The Craft Beer doctors at Cincy Brewcast prescribe “Pils For What Ales You” and suggests some quality “down time” at Pilsener-Palooza 2016. Yes it’s that time of year when the skirts get shorter, the days get longer and the beer gets lighter and colder. But don’t think you have to settle for the “watery grave” of mega-brewed adjunct-fests. Your intrepid Cincy Craft brewers are putting delicious summer beers on the shelves and in their taps for your Vernal enjoyment. We taste offerings from 50 West, Christian Moerelin, Taft’s Ale House, Braxton, Ei8ht Ball and Athens, Ohio’s Jackie O’s (an honorary member of Cincy Craft) and offer a brief history of the style, first brewed in the 1840’s as a reaction to the bad beer offered the citizens of Pilsen!
We also have some discussion of the upcoming explosion of craft beer breweries in Cincinnati (Darkness, Nine Giant and Municipal all coming online in the next month, with Woodburn not far behind) and much more, including a brief rundown of upcoming programs on Cincy Brewcast, “The Voice of Cincy Craft”!

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