rivertown-villederivereBrewery- Rivertown
Beer- Ville De Rivere Geuze
Style- Lambic/Geuze
ABV- 6.4%
IBU-  5

Ville De Rivere Geuze is a wonderful blend of one year old and three year old sour lambic beer. Following the blend the beer is allowed to mature in the bottle for up to six months. The result is a beautifully well rounded ale: Dry, cidery, musty, vinous, and sour.

There is a clear reason that this beer has been in the top 50 of Geuze style Lambic beers in the world according to RateBeer.  It’s delicious.  The beer is made by blending the already delicious Rivertown Lambic – one year and three year versions – and allowing it to rest for another 6 months.  It’s an excerise in patience, for sure – but in my experience well worth it!

I have tried to cellar this for extended times, and haven’t managed to keep any in my cellar for more than 2 years or so after I bought it – but from what I can tell, it only continues to improve, much like the Lambic from which it’s born.

My Thoughts On The Beer

When I first tasted this, it caught me off guard.  In the years since, as I’ve grown to love sour styles it’s really opened up and I get more enjoyment out of this than I certainly did that time.

In the glass it’s a golden straw color with a small but active white head on top.

Aromas of lemony tart citrus fruit and earthy funk shoot out of glass, kicking the salivaotry glands into high gear before you even get it near your mouth.

This is punchy… tart and citrusy.  There is a fruity note that sits in the background next to some baked bread that is easy to lose if you’re not careful.  I love the earthy mustiness that fills the middle of the flavor, and the finish is sour, but clean.  This is fantastic and the beer that single handedly made me start seeking out more traditional examples of the style.

A must try for any beer fan in Cincinnati, or beyond.


Ville De Rivere Geuze Label

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