It all makes a little more sense now – that little laugh that Jonathan and Evan both shared during the recent episode of Cincy Brewcast that was from the newly opened Braxton Labs. I had asked them about the possibility of packaging coming out of the brewery, and I suppose that they knew that the possibility was not only very real, but very close off. The question would have just been “what beer?”
Braxton Labs just couldn’t help themselves but to put out a NE IPA, I mean… it’s a style that seems to be driving beer people crazy lately – for a lot of different reasons. Braxton Labs is a place for their brewing team to push the envelope, to play and experiment. It makes sense then, that they’d give the style a go, and give it a go they did! The original NE IPA that was released upon opening their doors was easily their most popular beer, selling out in less than two weeks.
This release is the second iteration of a NE IPA, brewed this time with Citra and Mosaic hops for notes of mango, peach cans grapefruit according to the brewery. They knew that if they wanted to get the beer out, and into the hands of more thirsty Braxton fans, there was only one solution – packaging.
About The Release
Braxton Labs’ NE IPA is going to be released in four packs of 16oz cans at 11am on Saturday June 24th, and they’ll retail for $17 a piece.
It’s incredibly fun to see, just as it was when the brewery kicked off packaging at ‘HQ’ (their main taproom) with Storm… it’s exciting to see things moving along so quickly, while still maintaining a controlled pace that makes sense.
If you want to help spread the word for Braxton, they’ve set up a Facebook event that you can share with all your friends – and if you’re looking for something to do this weekend, I think that I found a pretty sweet event that you can add to your calendar!