Brewery – Rivertown
Beer – Ember
Style – Dunkel Lager
ABV – 4.3%
IBUs – 19
This rich, medium-bodied dark German Style lager features light hints of toffee, caramel and nougat. Traditionally brewed featuring malts and hops from Germany.
This is not the same Dunkel lager that broke many hearts as it left the Rivertown lineup a few years back, it does however hopefully fill the void in the hearts that Dunkel Lager left.
This beer was one of the first from Rivertown’s new branding ‘refocus’ that they launched as they opened their new massive production facility in Monroe, Ohio. I can’t help but feel it fits in perfectly with the brewery’s barbecue restaurant in that facility.
The beer also represents a “limited release” switch from some of the seasonal beers of the brewery’s past – meaning it will be around for a limited amount of time before it’s replaced on shelves with the next limited release in the lineup.
My Thoughts On Rivertown Ember
This pours a dark brown color in the glass, with a nice-sized, nutty-colored tan head on top.
Aromas are light breadiness and an earthiness that reminds me of the fall air that accompanies this time of year.
Flavors are light and mild bread with a rich nutty hint. Light and clean, but still holding back some rich malt flavors.
This beer begs to be paired up with food, which is exactly what I want out of it. I think that it will get a little lost in a world packed full of big flavored IPAs and barrel-aged sours that it lives in, and that’s a shame. This beer is easy drinking and fills a big void that a lot of tap lists have on them for easy drinking, full-flavored lagers.
Well done, Rivertown.