Brewery – MadTree
Beer – Luna Lux
Style – White IPA
ABV – 6%
IBUs – 39
Winter nights bring cold, dark and long nights but the moonlight cuts through that darkness. Luna Lux will bring a brightness to your senses on even the darkest days.
Luna Lux takes the idea of a winter beer and flips the script. Instead of opting for a spiced winter ale, this beer leans heavily on hops and spices to craft it’s delicious personality.
The beer was first released in December of 2017, in cans as well as on draft, changing the idea of what a winter beer could be for drinkers all across Cincinnati. Luna Lux’s distinctive white cans stand out on shelves, and shine bright like the snow on a cold winter morning.
My Thoughts On Luna Lux
Luna Lux pours a bright, beautiful golden color with a fluffy white head.
Aromas dance around from a nice toasty grainy bread to lemony citrus fruit.
The beer tastes bright and hoppy, with more of that lemony citrus fruit coming in strong followed up with a bold spice that’s tucked away behind the hops.
This beer is great for a winter beer when you’re looking for something that leans away from the big, heavy winter beers that surround you typically this time of year. It’s a bold contrast to the “norm” – and I really enjoy that. You’ve definitely gotta be a fan of the style to enjoy this one, it doesn’t hide from the big white ale characteristic that they’ve tucked away behind the hoppy IPA side of it’s personality, but as long as you’re ready… it’s fantastic.