Brewery – Rhinegeist
Beer – Stryker
Style – Triple IPA/Imperial IPA
ABV – 9.3% ABV>
IBUs – 100+
This Imperial IPA bellows with dank, resinous citrus notes and flashes of passionfruit aroma, evoking an ever-evolving bitterness while remaining dry and electric.
First brewed by Rhinegeist’s head brewer Aaron Stryker in 2014… this beer was massive. The (at the time) triple IPA clocked in at 10.7% ABV and more than 100 IBUs, he brewed it as a salute to Rhiengeist’s love of hops, going back to his roots and making a beer that was so illogical it was delicious.
Crowds fell in love with Stryker, and the brewery brewed it up for release in 22oz bombers as part of their rarity series in 2016 – though it’s release saw a couple of recipe changes, including a slight lowering of the ABV to the current place. No surprise… people still loved it, and drank so much of it, that the choice to get it into cans was an easy one.
The beer hit four packs of 12oz cans in 2018 and has been a fan favorite since! You can hit up Rhinegeist’s website here to read more about it.
My Thoughts On Rhinegeist Stryker
This bold, big beer pours a beautiful, hazy orange color in my glass with a nice light tan head on top.
Aromas are a blast of fresh citrus. I get lemons and oranges big and bold upfront followed up with a touch of bready cereal hidden away behind them.
The taste is, again, big. It’s bitter and citrusy with the sweetness of well-hidden alcohol balancing it out. This beer doesn’t hide who it is… it’s a massive IPA in the finest American sense of the word. Just awesome.
If you want more – we did also try this beer on Cincy Brewcast – it was way back in Volume 1, Episode 09.