Let’s sit down and have a chat this episode with one of our newest favorite groups of people… Brewhaus Dog Bones. We meet Lisa Graham the founder and driving force behind the non-profit and we learn how she took an idea that she got during a visit to a San Diego craft brewery and in less than a year has turned it into an amazing educational opportunity for our area’s developmentally disabled young adults.

We also bring into the studio Cheryl Henkel, a Special Education teacher and Allen Moellman from Listermann to tell us about their unique contributions to the program.

Of course… none of this would be the same if we didn’t have a beer or two along the way!

Guests This Episode

  • Allen Moellman – Listermann
  • Cheryl Henkel – Special Ed Teacher, Oak Hills
  • Lisa Graham – Brewhaus Dog Bones

From The Beer Fridge

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