I didn’t know what this would turn into.  I started blogging at the Gnarly Gnome just for shits and giggles, and it turned into an obsession.  From that obsession I met Mike and Tina Cisneros and we started Cincy Brewcast… again… for shits and giggles.  Since then, it’s grown from a fun hobby, to an obsession and now into an integral piece of my life.

I can’t stop being the Gnome if I wanted to anymore.

With the growing obsession comes costs, but in money and time.  There are some months where it’s easy and some months that its hard – but the desire to keep doing this and keep building what ‘The Gnarly Gnome’ is never dwindles.  I am using Patreon to reach out to you guys as fans to help me continue to grow this idea and let it become something even more incredible.  Of course, there’s some free swag and new shows that come along with it.

I’ll share with you over the coming months some of my ideas, my plans, and even the dreams that will probably never be able to happen.  This is extremely personal to me – and I can’t thank those of you who have supported this idea from day one (or day 1000) nearly enough for enabling me to be the Gnome.

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