In a world packed full of pastry stouts and hazy skittle and lucky charm packed NE IPAs – sometimes… a big, bold, Imperial American IPA is exactly what you need to take a breath and a step back. Happy 2 Brewing Medusa’s Vision is going to meet that need for you, and besides… isn’t it time to stopped in to grab a beer, anyways?
Happy 2 Brewing is located inside the Anderson Mio’s – and if you haven’t heard of them, don’t feel bad. These guys are tiny (in a brewing sense of the word). Truth be told, they’re cranking out some really great beers that deserve a bit of attention that they have yet to really get from the bigger Cincy Beer community. Again… a great reason for you to head out this weekend (the release is on Saturday) and snag a beer or two.
About Medusa’s Vision
Before we dig into the release at Happy 2, I suppose you want to know more about the beer? Let’s take a look at the label to learn a little bit (that label art, by the way, is done by Chad Wehrle):
Medusa’s Vision is an American Imperial IPA brewed exclusively with Medusa hops and grain from Sugar Creek Malt Company. Weighing in at 9.5% ABV and 82 IBUs, Medusa’s Vision focuses on the dank aromatics from the experimental Medusa hops while finishing smooth and showcasing a beautiful amber hue thanks to the high-quality malt. Unfiltered, sediment is natural. Keep cold and drink fresh.

Right? I can’t be the only one who gets really, really excited about reading that. So… how can you snag a bomber for yourself?
The Release
The brewery has 200 bottles of this one going on sale, and it starts at 11 am on Saturday, 9/25/20. Each bomber (that’s 22oz for those who might not know) is gonna run $10.
Get there. Get your beer, and hang out for a pint or two while you’re at it. It’s supposed to be a gorgeous day, and should be a perfect one to sit in the sunshine and have a glass of something delicious!