Brewery – FigLeaf
Beer – Ponderous Porter
Style – English Porter
ABV – 7%
IBU – 32
This English inspired porter is our Head Brewer’s liquid love letter to a certain classic London Porter, utilizing 100% English malts and classic ESB ale yeast. Look for layers of rich chocolate, mild toffee, and dark caramel notes.
There seems from time to time to be a trend for breweries to throw a lot of “stuff” at their darker beers… and not that there is anything wrong with that, but sometimes you just want an awesome, traditional, beer. That’s where something like Ponderous comes into the game. The description makes it clear, Ponderous is a nod to a very traditional English Porter… and in its goal? It nails it.
My Thoughts On Ponderous Porter
In your glass, Ponderous Porter pours a dark, rich, chocolatey brown color with a thick, foamy, tan head. I love that from the minute it leaves it’s can you can tell what the flavor profile of the beer is going to be.
Aromas are all loaded up with chocolate and blasts of coffee and warm bread.
The taste is killer, it’s loaded with chocolate and toasty bread flavors. A single descriptor of dark, and rich, is definitely the easiest and best way to prepare you for what this beer has in store. It’s absolutely wonderful. If you described what a “dark” beer tastes like… boom. Ponderous Porter.

Typically not many porters on the market so I was excited to see this one. The first one poured into a stout pint glass did not exhibit any lacing at all. More like a soda pour. By the end I found myself staring a glass bottom filled with black gunk. The second one exhibited more lacing, but it faded quickly. The chocolate notes came through nicely, with a nice dry finish. The next day I poured another. Same as the first one, no lacing at all. In addition there is a bunch of floating white particles throughout the beer. The taste is dry and on the malty side which I enjoy. The floaters was off putting.
Not certain what I’ll find on opening the remaining cans, but I cannot recommend this beer due to the consistency issues.
I would definitely reach out to the brewery about your experience. It definitely doesn’t seem normal for the beer, at all!