Brewery – HighGrain
Beer – Aurora
Style – Norwegian Table Ale
ABV – 4.9%
Light, Bright, Crushable. Our delicious table ale features the unique Kveik yeast, which is the star of the show. With lots of citrus flavor, this table beer is sure to leave an impression on your next session.
This is a beer designed for drinking. I’m not talking about sipping away at 12 ounces all night long as you ponder life’s biggest mysteries. I’m talking about a beer that you’ll finish a six pack of with a friend while you’re eating, or sitting around laughing together. It’s a table beer. It’s a drinking beer.
The brewery first opened up with a table beer that they called Northern Exposure, which evolved a bit and became this one, that we now know and love. The weird and wonderful Kveik yeast is certainly the centerpiece of the beer, and it helps build a character that makes this super drinkable, while also flavorful.
The brewery released this in cans under it’s new name in April of 2021, and I have a suspicion that it’s going to become a favorite of lots of folks who find their way into the brewpub to snag dinner and a great conversation in the beer garden.
My Thoughts On HighGrain Aurora
In the glass, Aurora is light, hazy yellow with a dense white head on top.
Aromas drift back and forth between a light breadiness and a crisp, fleeting citrus note.
The taste brings that citrus flavor front and center, bitterness cuts right through the experience leaving you wanting another sip.