This is a really cool one! Not only is 16 Lots getting ready to crank out a light American lager (at only 4.2%) – I love beers like this – but they’re doing it as a collaboration with Bengals legend Kenny Anderson. What better way to prep for the upcoming football season?
Kenny Anderson
Just in case you’re a, ummm… younger drinker. Let’s talk about Kenny Anderson for a second. Ken played for 16 seasons with the Bengals, and later returned as a coach for the team.
He led the league for passer rating four different times, completion percentage three different times, and in passing yards twice. He also took the team to its first super bowl appearance in 1981.
If you’re thinking to yourself that Kenny Anderson should probably be in the Football Hall of Fame, you’re not alone. he’s been nominated twice, and definitely belongs in there.
The Beer
Kenny’s Dey Drinkin’ Lager is set to be released before the kickoff of the 2021 season and will of course be available inside Paul Brown stadium for your game drinking needs. It was literally a beer that was born for tailgating, too. Del Hall (co-owner of 16 Lots) first met Kenny Anderson at a tailgate event where they were raising awareness and money for the Ken Anderson Alliance (the KAA). It birthed a conversation about beer, and about giving back to the community.
This is probably the biggest part of this beer. Dey Drinkin’ Lager is designed not just to pair up with football games, but to give back. A portion of every single sale of this beer will go to the KAA to help create a community that provides a better quality of life for Adults with Disabilites.