Brewery – 16 Lots
Beer – Kenny’s Dey Drinkin’ Lager
Style – Light Lager
ABV – 4.2% ABV
IBUs – 7
Ken Anderson Gave 16 years of his life, his entire pro career to our beloved team in Cincinnati. Now his charity continues with that same spirit. A portion of the proceeds of this beer helps fund the Ken Anderson Alliance. Here’s to “16 Years of Cheers”!
I don’t think that we’re supposed to say that this is a Bengals beer, but trademarks and the NFL aside, it came out with perfect timing to celebrate an absolutely incredible, and historic season for them. The beer was released right before kickoff of the 2021-2022 football season, which if you have been living under a rock, was the first time in more than 30 years that the team made it to the Super Bowl.
It was absolutely brilliant. The beer quickly became a smash hit around town, especially on Sundays when fans were rooting on the Bengals and watching it all unfold.
What makes this beer probably even a little bit better (ok… definitely a little bit better) is that a portion of the proceeds from each can sold go to help fund Ken Anderson’s charity – called the Ken Anderson Alliance. You can feel good, while you slug back beers.
My Thoughts on 16 Lots Kenny’s Dey Drinkin’ Lager
If you have to describe what I want in my cooler while I’m watching football, a beer just like this one is what I’d describe. Full-flavored, but light, crisp, and easy drinking. It fits the bill perfectly – and comes in at 4.2% ABV, so you can keep drinking all game.
In the glass, it’s light golden colored, with a fluffy white head on top.
Aromas are light, but I get hints of grainy bread and light fruity notes.
The beer tastes just like you’d expect. Crisp and light. It’s refreshing and has a dry finish that I absolutely love. There aren’t layers upon layers of nuanced flavor to this one, which is exactly what the beer is supposed to be like. Don’t come into this expecting something that it isn’t and you’ll definitely go home happy.