This was a wild episode. I mean, the Sausage Queen preliminary rounds are little nuts normally, but throw a brewcast into the mix? Things are sure to get a little chaotic. Here’s what I thought this show was going to be… a short 15-20 minute chat about what Sausage Queen and Bockfest are all about, then a little 30 minute or so episode that included some of the shenanigans from the competition.

Instead… we ended up with fire in the middle of the Sonder taproom, and we chatted for an hour about it all. What can you do?

I guess the rest of the content will have to be part of the rumored ‘We Had Beers’ podcast that those of you who subscribe to Patreon will get to enjoy. Who knows?

Guests This Episode

  • Rachel Appenfelder – Bockfest, Sausage Queen, Just Frites (we didn’t even get to talk about that…)
  • Danny Herold – Sonder Brewing

From The Beer Fridge

  • William Goat – Sonder Brewing… with a hot poker.

2 thoughts on “Volume 7, Episode 43 – Goats Are Chaos, So Are Sausage Queen Shenanigans.”

  1. This was my first episode. Love it! Love Bock beer. Loved the shout out to my favorite breweries like Brink. All I’ve also now been researching how to find a hot poker to start hot poking my beers.

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