Fifty West, and all of the folks that make that place run day to day, are absolute experts in creating events. Somehow, they always manage to do it in a way that not only works perfectly with the personality of the brewery but is actually creative and fun all the while. That’s not an easy thing to do, especially when it seems like every idea has already been done in today’s crowded craft beer world.
This event, which is returning for the third year is a great example of what I’m talking about! It’s the Pool Run
The Pool Run – What Is It?
This isn’t that complicated – but if you haven’t seen pictures, or heard someone talking about it before – I can try to illustrate it for you. The 50W Pool Run is a 5k “open-course” fun-run through the streets of OTR. It ends at Ziegler park with a fully clothed leap into the swimming pool.
It’s so silly, and also so much fun. The idea came to Fifty West’s Max Fram one summer as he hopped in the shower after an extremely hot, sweaty run… and history was made.
As runners are making their leap into the swimming pool it becomes a bit of a challenge to try to show off your best moves (which are all captured by an on-site event photographer). After the race, the brewery hosts a private pool party until 10 pm with pizza (and of course, 50 West beer).

This Year’s Event
This year, the pool run takes place on Saturday (that’s this Saturday) August 13th from 6 pm to 10 pm at Ziegler Park in OTR. Participants will check in at 6 pm and secure any of their items that they don’t want to get wet – then they’ll launch into a 3.2-mile run promptly at 7 pm. It starts and ends from the pool… and it’s sort of epic.
The first 100 runners to sign up also receive a free Fleet Feet branded towel.