This episode is always a blast, bringing with it more than its fair share of chaos! Big Cis is a collaboration beer that we brew every year in memory of Mike Cisneros, who helped start this show back in 2015. To be fair, the show was his idea, and I was just along for the ride until he passed away only a year and a half after we had been making it.

The beer honors him. It honors who he was and represents a lot of what drives me forward as a beer blogger here in Cincinnati.

This year we brewed the beer down at Darkness in Bellevue, KY – so I sat down with owner Eric Bosler to chat about Mike, about Big Cis, about their journey… it was a ton of fun, even if the recorded sound is a little rougher than you’re used to. I’ll nail the whole live event thing one of these days!

Guests This Episode

  • Eric Bosler – Darkness Brewing
  • Mike Almoslechner – Bellevue Education Foundation

From The Beer Fridge

  • Darkness Brewing – Big Cis

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