Brewery – FigLeaf
Beer – Barrel-Aged Black Solstice
Style – Imperial Stout
ABV – 10%
Barrel Aged Black Solstice Imperial Stout has warm inviting notes of chocolate, raisins, and molasses that creates a smooth voluptuous body. You might remember tasting this sumptuous beer from last year’s winter solstice, where it has been patiently aging in bourbon and rye whiskey barrels since December 21st, 2016.
I think that it’s fun to watch how breweries step up to the plate when it’s time for them to release their first products in packaging. While FigLeaf had cans out in the market by the time they released their first bottles on Black Friday 2017, the first bottle release had a lot of things to live up to. They knocked it out of the park, by the way. Releasing this beer alongside their big anniversary Belgian Quad was a solid move.
I’ve got a few of these stashed away in the cellar to see how it does over time, but I was extremely happy with how this big, heavy, boozy beer tasted “fresh” off the tap!
My Thoughts On Figleaf Barrel-Aged Black Solstice
In the glass, this beer is not a surprise at all. It pours a deep, dark black color, with a thick tan head on top. Aromas drift from the coffee and chocolate to a boozy spiritous note.
The booziness balances out a really great sweet molasses flavor, and there is a solid roasty, richness that lingers on the palate for quite a while. This beer is earthy and rich… while I’m sure some time in the cellar isn’t going to hurt it one bit, there is no need to put any time on it – it’s drinking wonderfully just the way it was released.