All About Nine Giant

When you hear people talk about Nine Giant, you’ll hear them talk about the beer, sure… but you’ll also hear about the food that they make.  It’s a rare accomplishment to find a space (especially one the size of Nine Giant) where as much effort and attention is put into both sides of a brewpub.  They brew some really crazy things on a tap list that is always changing and pair it up with a menu that is just as eclectic and ever-evolving.  It’s a blast to experience.  If you’re looking for a brewery in Cincinnati that exemplifies the “neighborhood model” that everyone talks about, they’re one of the best.

What’s Nine Giant Like?

Nine Giant’s brewpub is small but doesn’t feel like a restaurant like you’d expect with how much talk is given over their food program.  They put a lot of effort into maximizing the space for people to sit, comfortably.  The space uses a lot of concrete and teal and red accents, while the brewhouse sits behind a glass window behind the bar.  At night, between the dimly lit space, and accent lights in the brewery – it’s beautiful.

If you’re looking to go to Nine Giant in the summer months, you are in luck, they’ve got two sets of accordion windows across the front of the space that opens it all up to the street, to make the space feel open and part of the neighborhood.

Their second space, which is right around the corner from the brewpub is called the Fermentorium. It uses a lot of the same ascetics as the brewpub, but is much more of a bar atmosphere. Here, they focus on tiki cocktails and barrel-aged beer.

The Nine Giant Brewery Timeline

  • 3/11/2015 – Cincinnati got their first real preview of the brewery as they took part in the ‘Taste’s Great, Boosts Economy’ talk with Soapbox.
  • 10/2015 – The brewhouse and the tanks arrive on site finally!
  • 6/25/2016 – Nine Giant’s Grand Opening
  • June, 2018 – Plans are announced for Nine Giant’s expansion/event space/barrel warehouse.
  • June, 2018 – Nine Giant releases their first two bottle releases as part of their second anniversary celebration.
  • 4/16/2021 – The brewery’s expansion, the Fermentorium hosts it’s grand opening celebration.
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