Brewery- Hudepohl
Beer- Hudy Delight/ Hudy 14-K
There was a time here in Cincinnati that Hudy reined king. It was the local beer that locals drank. Today…it’s not so much like that anymore, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be. Often people will reach for a standard light American lager when they are kicking back around the pool, or at a cookout, maybe after cutting the grass. They reach of these big beers instead of one of the two “local” offerings in Hudy Delight and Hudy 14k. I hope that one day soon we will start to see this shift.
I’m not going to pretend that these beers are something special, because they aren’t. They are just what you’d expect in a light lager. But they are Cincinnati to the bone, even if they aren’t currently being brewed here in the city. They are worthy of a spot in your fridge for those moments, when you just need a Hudy.
Hey G2…thanks for the tip of the hat to the Hudys. They aren’t special…other than they’re Cincinnati beers. When I stock the fridge in the summer I always include Hudy Delights. They’re the first beer put in my hand when I visited Cincinnati back in 1985…and I have nothing but respect for the beer. It’s as good or better than the mass-produced big name light beers…and it’s OURS.
Couldn’t agree more! I’ve got a grand salute to Hudy in the works for this summer… stay tuned!