Brewery- Ei8ht Ball
Beer- Home Alone
Style- Milk Stout
ABV- 7.8%
Release Date – December 2015
A chocolate milk stout brewed with four types of nuts: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and chestnuts.
This was a wonderful Christmas treat when it hit stores in late 2015, it’s a fantastic balance between sweet milky stout and a slightly bitter nuttiness. This beer is Ei8ht Ball’s personality to the very core… it’s hard to drop it into a style, but it’s hard to argue that it’s freaking delicious!
When you pour the beer into the glass, you’re struck first by the dark brown color… so dark that in the right light it looks black. It’s topped off with a big creamy head on it, colored with a nutty brown that emanates some great hazelnut, chestnut aromas. The journey through your taste of the beer is an absolute pleasure, though at 7.8% ABV it’s easy drinking sweetness is dangerous… hidden by a swirling flavor vortex of milk chocolate, and a bowl of nuts. This is a beer that seems to be crafted as a union between a big Nut Brown ale and a Milk Stout… it’s a marriage that seems to be made in heaven. I’m going to be extremely sad when these are gone out of my refrigerator…. which if I don’t slow down is going to be much sooner, rather than later.
This is a beer that is perfect for the cold winter months, and should be on the top of your list if you see it on tap, or if you find anymore of these cans around town. Awesome stuff!