What Makes Mt. Carmel Special?

Mt. Carmel takes a lot of pride in doing things different than the other breweries here in town…but that’s just how they have always done it, their own way. From the second you pull into the parking lot, you feel different than you do at any other brewery locally, you just feel more relaxed and calm. The names of their beers are different…simpler by design. The taproom feels like the porch of your neighbor, and you feel as if you are just stopping by for a beer and to chat a bit.
If I can wrap it up in a simple way, Mt. Carmel is special here in Cincinnati because they are quieter…calmer and more home-y than anyone else is.
The Space

Part of what gives them their charm is Mt. Carmel’s location. They are in an old farmhouse, situated just off the road. When you get in the back you feel just like that…like you are on a farm. There’s a pond, woods and a peaceful, quiet tranquility that is rare in Cincinnati’s brewery scene.
The taproom can only be described as cozy…it’s a porch that has been converted to pour beer. If you desire a place to sit, you can venture farther into the house and sit in one of the other rooms, all converted rooms from the farmhouse’s past life as a dwelling. My pick of a place to sit, though is the patio.
Weather permitting, the patio is one of the best in the brewery scene… a newly renovated space that now features tables, and a large stone fireplace. Perfect for enjoying some peace and quiet, or listening to some live music on the weekends.
The Beers

Their core line-up is a few simple…easy drinking, but delicious staples that you would hope to find at any brewery. But to me, where they really start to shine is their snapshot series, the favorite of mine being their coffee brown, a unique, fresh tasting take on a coffee beer…one in which the coffee is really the star. But you honestly can’t go wrong with anything they are offering on tap, get a flight and figure out what your favorite is.