If you have missed it in these last few weeks, Braxton Brewing Company in Covington (The new home of Evan Rouse, and Richard Dube) has announced that they will be opening this Friday to the public, after what might be one of the most hyped brewery launches that this city has ever seen.
I wrote the other day about some of the details surrounding their Grand Opening party, but didn’t talk anymore about the beer (I did mention it back on the 8th, though) Although they have announced two beers on their website and their Facebook page, we have seen a few others get approval, wich gives us some insight into what’s coming in the pipeline very soon.
It also raises a question for geeks like me. We’ll start with said question.
The beers that they have formally announced so far are Storm, their Hoppy Cream Ale which weighs in at 4.8% abv and Jumper, a hoppy wheat beer coming in at 5.5% abv. However, one of the new approvals is a beer called Sparky, which is also a hoppy wheat beer, and also comes in at 5.5% abv. Are we looking at the same beer with a new name? Looks like it to me…. but nothing on their end has been changed….so I don’t know.
Now, on to the other beers: We have seen approvals for a couple other year round beers, which are the other two that I mentioned back on the 8th: Crankshaft a 6% IPA and Deadblow, a 7.2% Tropical Stout.
We have also gotten a sneak peek at a few of their “seasonals” that are coming soon. The first is a pale ale that clocks in at 5.2% abv called Trophy, and the second is a robust porter called Blown Gasket that comes in at 7.5%.
They are still sticking with the wonderful garage theme, and expanding their line-up to includ some more styles that will help them appeal to an even broader range of their customers’ palates.
Stay tuned as we learn more, and as I figure out what the exact deal is with our twin Hoppy Wheat Beers.