Brewery- Mt. Carmel
Beer- Stout
ABV- 6.7%
Black in color, the Stout enters with a dark fruit aroma, atop a thick brown head, crowning a chocolate malt body, edged with coffee and balancing intense roasted grains.
It’s the highest rated local stout on RateBeer for a reason. This sucker is good. Mt. Carmel has a portfolio of some “typical” styles, and they might receive some flack from the beer geeks for that, but to me, this beer is a perfect example of why we need that in Cincinnati.
The beer pours a beautiful black color with a nice big tan head. Aromas are of dark roasted grain and deep bitter chocolate. The flavor is much of the same with the addition of some smokiness that smooths it all together into a delicious blend of happiness.
This is a must try, and in the winter, a constant staple in my fridge.