Brewery – Listermann/Triple Digit
Beer – Pineapple Upside Down Cake Aftermath
Style – Scottish Style Ale
ABV – 10.5%

Scottish-Style Ale aged in bourbon barrels with pineapples added.

When you’ve got a few barrels lying around of your delicious Scottish Style Ale, called aftermath, what do you do to make a couple of them a little different?  How can you make things special for some lucky people?

If you’re Listermann Triple Digit head brewer Jared Lewinsky, you add pineapple to the party.  I’m not sure where the ideas for some things come from, but this divine inspiration has yielded a  really delicious one-off bottle release from the Cincinnati, Ohio based brewery.

The brewery spent a day grilling up fresh pineapples to use in the beer, which was aged in Heaven Hill Bourbon Barrels, to lend a sweet flavor that is balanced out by the bourbon, and the alcohol bite that can surface from a beer this big.

My Thoughts On Pineapple Upside Down Cake Aftermath

Sometimes these experiments just click, and this beer just clicks so wonderfully.  It really pulls the character of a Pineapple Upside Down cake out of the beer near perfectly.

It’s nothing too exciting in the glass… appearance is a murky brown, with a small tan head.

Aromas are caramel with a light sweet tropical fruit note, that I might not even be able to identify as pineapple if I didn’t already know that was what was in it.

The flavor is a pineapple upside down cake.  Sweetness sits right on top from the pineapple, with the bourbon barrels, although certainly present, lingering in the back as a vanilla and oak character.  Breadiness forms a solid background for everything to build on.

This was first posted on my other site –


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