Brewery – Wicked Weed
Beer – Montmaretto
Style – American Wild/Sour Ale
ABV – 6.9%
The fortress Montmaretto floated, neutral, while the realm tore itself apart below. The tribes of Astro and Amaro sprung on one another in a cataclysm of violence never before imagined. Queen Almendra chose insular peace above the fray, remaining aloof from her vantage point atop the Great Floating Lake. Almendra’s sentries kept vigil through cherry orbs that scanned the sandswept, sun-soaked cobblestone streets, thwarting would-be spies and colluders’ attempts to breach the fortress. Queen Almendra’s wisdom led to the preservation of Montmaretto, and perpetuated peace in the realm.
It’s a shame that I can’t just run to my local bottle shop and snag Wicked Weed beers whenever I want, because so far everything I’ve had from them has been pretty spectacular. Christmas was good to me this year, and one of the beers I opened up was this one.
The story that you can read printed on the bottle’s label tells the story of the beer itself, with Sweet and Sour flavors battling to only be reined in by the Queen of the realm, the almonds. It’s a confusing tale, but one that tells the story of the beer pretty well, which starts out it’s life as a light amber sour before it meets the big 325 liter, neutral Cabernet barrels where it undergoes a secondary fermentation with 1 pound of Montmorency cherries.
A portion of the beer is put into barrels with almonds before being blended back into the batch for the perfect balance that imparts it’s signature amaretto character.
The beer first made an appearance back in 2015 as part of their ‘Canvas Series’ in July. They (and their fans) loved this one so much that they added it into their core lineup in the summer of 2016 – then it headed into my hands.
My Thoughts On Wicked Weed Montmaretto
This beer pours unsuspectingly clear. It’s got a nice ruby amber hue and a small off white head. When you dig into it, though, you are greeted by a beer that screams dessert.
This seems like it would be perfect after a giant, filling dinner. Tart, but balanced extremely well with a sweet cherry flavor, it finishes with a great amaretto nuttiness that lingers on the palate.
The bottle seems to beg to be shared with friends and family, but the beer begs to stingily be saved all for yourself – which is exactly what I did with it.
Now to find more…