I have a huge soft spot for anything that has the Quaff Brothers name on the label. It means to me that the beer not only is aged in the finest barrels that you can find, but that the attention to detail that the beer has gone through is a step above anything else you’ll find on the shelf or on the draft tower. It obviously get’s me pretty pumped then to hear about new releases from Cincinnati’s original collaborative brewing effort.
As these started popping up in the TTB, It certainly got my attention, and unfortunately I wish I knew more to tell you about them, but my probing questions around have only been met with silence. Before we dig into these, you have to always remember, that just because these labels have become public, that doesn’t mean that we’re going to see them on the shelves any time soon – if at all. So don’t start camping out yet (I’ll keep you in the loop on any release dates!)
Now… let’s take a look at these!
Double Barrel
Barrel Aged Belgian Style Dubbel Ale
Aged in Pinot Noir and finished in Bourbon barrels, Chateau Double Barrel captures a menagerie of oak, stone fruit, vivid berry, toffee, and vanilla tones. This adventurous foray pushes the boundaries of barrel aging.
The beer clocks in at 11.5% ABV and has 28 IBUs (not that IBUs matter one bit in a beer like this…)
Grand Cru
Barrel Aged Belgian Style Dubbel Ale
Aged in Patricia Green Pinot Noir barrels, Chateau Grand Cru evokes the terroir of the Willamette Valley. Notes of red and dark fruit combine with the bittersweet chocolate and earthiness for a remarkably complex Belgian Style Dubbel Ale.
This one comes in at 10% with 28 IBUs.
Block Q
Barrel Aged Belgian Style Dubbel Ale
The in-barrel addition of blueberries, blackberries, and vanilla intensifies the flavor profile of this Pinot Noir Barrel Aged Belgian Style Dubbel Ale. Chateau Block Q is bold and rich – yet velvety and refined.
This is 10% ABV and 28 IBUs.