Brewery – Boston Beer (Sam Adams)
Beer – Noble Pils
Style – Pilsner
ABV – 4.9%
IBUs – 34
This unique pilsner showcases all 5 noble hops from the world’s oldest growing regions for a complex hop character. The floral, citrusy aroma and flavors from the noble hops are balanced by the honeyed malt notes of the special Bohemian spring barley, for a crisp, fresh taste.
Noble Pils was first born out of Jim Koch’s daughters wedding. They wanted to brew something unique, but approachable. The classic pilsner was the perfect style, and the use of all the noble hops was an outstanding decision, because this beer turned out fantastic.
It was so great in fact, that in 2009 it made its way into the “Beer Lover’s Choice” contest, where drinkers got to choose between the pilsner and an IPA to see which would make its way into Sam Adams’ portfolio. Noble Pils won with 38000 of the 68000 votes that were cast, and it became a new seasonal for the brewery.
My Thoughts On Sam Adams Noble Pils
Noble Pils pours into the glass with a golden hue – like the edges of a morning sunrise. It’s topped with a crisp white frothy head creating a pure masterpiece in the glass.
Aromas are full of smooth crackery malt and a spicy hop note to top it off.
The flavor is full of sweet grainy cereal, that is punctuated with a brisk spicy hop flavor that just kisses the edge of floral.
The beer leaves me with the feeling of refreshment, but with enough flavor to keep me intrigued and wanting more. I dig this beer…