We haven’t had a lot of changes to Urban Artifact’s line of seasonal goses, so when the news came out that the funky sour brewery would be dropping their Cherry Gose, Chariot (read more about that beer here) for 2019’s lineup – there were mixed reactions. From the folks that were angry to losing their favorite, to those of us who were excited and curious to see what might come in its place… we now have a few of those answers.
On Tuesday 8/6/19, the brewery will debut their latest seasonal gose, a Grapefruit gose that they’re calling Photo Booth. My requests to the brewery for more information have been mostly unreturned – so here’s what we can put together from looking at the label.
This gose is brewed with 600lbs of grapefruit in each 30bbl batch.
Early photo booths produced low-quality tin-type images that sparked imaginations and started a custom souvenir industry on hastily developed strips.
Just picture yourself with a Photo Booth.
If you know anything about Urban you know that this beer is likely light and refreshing, with a tart base, punctuated with slight saltiness and the blasted full of real fruit from grapefruit juice and zest.
It comes in at 4.3% ABV and 3.4 PH, which puts it right in line with their other seasonal goses. This is going to be a great beer to wind down summer with and head into fall – and you can bet I’ll have more information for you as soon as I get my hands on some to drink!