Brewery – Urban Artifact
Beer – Spyglass
Style – Lemon-Lime Tart Ale
ABV – 4.7%
pH – 3.5
This tart ale is brewed with 350 lbs of lemon peel and 200 lbs of lime peel in each 30bbl batch.
The spyglass has been an optical tool used for hundreds of years to help sailors and scientists look to the horizon.
Take a spyglass on your next adventure.
MadTree introduced this new year-round beer in cans at the end of 2019, and also let us know that it was the first of their beers to be brewed outside of their brewery in Northside. They spent a ton of time looking for contract facilities and settled on Octopi in Wisconsin to do it.
When asked about the decision to contract brew at all, the brewery was quick to let their fans know that the reason they ended up with Octopi was because it was one of the few places that would adhere to their standards on how the beer was supposed to be made, and that letting some of these beers be brewed elsewhere would free up space for their more “experimental” and one-off beers that fans clamor for. It enables them to grow without a risky, expensive investment that in today’s craft beer market might not be the most logical decision.
My Thoughts On Urban Artifact Spyglass
Spyglass is a really fantastic sour beer. Loaded up with lemon and lime peel, it nails what I look for in a summertime, easy-drinking beer.
In the glass it has a hazy, yellow appearance. A thick, fizzy white head sits on top.
The aromas are the obvious citrus notes that you expect, and has a soda-like quality with an underlying funk.
The taste is big, bright and tart, refreshing but with layers underneath of the citrus fruits. It’s refreshing, and again – has a few soda-like qualities that only help push it into the crisp, clean and thirst quenching category that I love it for.