Brewery – Fretboard/Wooly Pig Farm Brewery
Beer – OohAhh
Style – Ungespundet Lager
ABV – 5%
IBUs – 12
Ungespundet lager. Lightly carbonated German style lager.
Ungespundet lager. I’m even going to try to teach you how to prounounce it, because I think every time that I do I have done it slightly different. It’s easy, though… in Germany when you want to order one at the bar you just order “an ooh” – Fretboard and Wooly Pig have tried to make it just as easy on you to ask about by calling the beer ‘Ooh Ahh’.
The two breweries collaborated on this one, working to create a beer that is flavorful, but still easy drinking. The style name means ‘unplugged’ – which traditionally speaking, is a reference to how it’s produced. The beer would be aged in a cask with an unplugged hole on the side producing a beer with lower carbonation than its counterparts.
My Thoughts On Fretboard OohAhh
To say that I really dig this beer wouldn’t quite capture how much that’s true. I have fully fallen in love with it as I worked by way though a couple of six packs.
It’s coppery red in the glass, with a small, but frothy white head on top.
Biscuity, and bready aromas are definitely present – but not overpowering. That seems to be the name of the game with this one, there is a lot going on, but none of it overpowering.
The taste brings a really fantastic earthy undertone to the party, the malty bread balancing it all out. I LOVE this beer, not because it slaps you over the head with anything overpowering, but it packs in flavor and maybe more importantly – experience – to an unassuming, easy drinking package.