It’s the weekend of tasty collaborations here in Cincinnati – and happening today (as of this post hitting the interwebs, on 4/24/21) is one that you’ll want to know about, if you don’t already. Mason, Ohio’s Sonder Brewing is collaborating with Sharonville’s famous Root Beer Stand on the latest in their long, and tasty, series of Frosted IPAs.
Yeah – it’s a Root Beer Milkshake IPA.

About Frosted
Frosted is a series it’s not just a beer… it’s all built upon a base of a 7.2% Milkshake IPA that alone would be a great beer. But Sonder uses the base to showcase fruit, desserts… all sorts of tasty treats.
Each time a new one is released, it’s become a bit of a game for Frosted fans (we like to call them Frosties) to try to figure out which one is their favorite. It’s an ever changing choice, and one that becomes harder and harder as the list becomes bigger, and bigger with really, really awesome beers.
What are the beers, you might wonder? Ahhh… here it is (for now) this is all of them (in alphabetical order… not in order of my favorites)

- Berry Crumble Frosted
- Birthday Cake Frosted
- Blueberry Frosted
- Cherry Frosted
- Concord Grape Frosted
- Key Lime Frosted
- Mango Frosted
- Mocha Latte Frosted
- Orange Julius Frosted
- Peach Apricot Frosted
- PiƱa Colada Frosted
- Raspberry Frosted
- Root Beer Stand Frosted
- Strawberry Frosted
Root Beer Stand Frosted
The latest addition to the Frosted series is a pretty unique one – like I mentioned before: a collaboration between Sonder and Sharonville’s famous Root Beer Stand. The beer is brewed using the very concentrate that is used to craft the Root Beer that you can only get there, in Sharonville.
Think of this beer not as a “root beer beer” but 100% as a Root Beer Float… in beer form. An absolutely brilliant and fun addition to the series, and a collaboration that certainly tells a story. If you’ve never had a mug of The Root Beer Stand’s delicious root beer, you’re missing out. This beer hopes to capture that feeling, and the nostalgia of it all into each 16oz can.
You can swing by the Sonder taproom today to snag a pint or two, and a four pack to go. They will send them out to some of their retail accounts, too. (If it’s a place that you’ve seen Frosted in the past, they’ll likely be getting this one sometime starting this week!)