The addition of Cincinnati State’s Brewing Science program was a big win for our city’s brewing scene. Not only do we become a bit more of a destination for folks wanting to learn more and get into the industry – we also now have a constant roster of great talent that is living and working here. It’s one of the most under-appreciated parts of what makes this city a great beer town for the average beer drinker (in my opinion).

You know who does understand the power of this? Places like MadTree. It’s no surprise then that they have announced a sponsorship and scholarship program to help support the people and the program itself.

The Scholarship

The $5,000 scholarship which is available to apply starting now seeks to bring more diversity to the brewing industry, especially when we are talking about women and people of color. It’s hard to ignore that this industry is extremely lacking, and needs drastic change if we want it to become the industry that we all know it is at its core.

In the press release, MadTree’s Assistant Brand Manager Trevor Self, is quick to point out that nationwide the craft brewing industry is a predominately white, male workforce. Roughly 10% of non-brewing production staff is comprised of people of color and 37% women. MadTree’s workforce follows very closely with the industry. Rhiannon Hoeweler, MadTree’s Director of Strategic Impact goes on to say:

We believe change comes through representation. We started with education because we wanted to be a part of systemic change. By starting at the root of an issue – like easing the financial barrier for education – we help make it easier to join the industry. And the more we diversify the brewing industry, the better we will make it. This scholarship is one way to invest in our beliefs and spark change.

That’s not all, either. in addition to the student scholarship, the brewery is contributing a $5,000 donation to underwrite the sustainability program that is part of the schools curriculum. The sustainability program also covers solid waste reduction, water and wastewater treatment, wastewater management, sustainable design, benchmarking and other related topics.

It’s no surprise that you see a brewery like MadTree diving headfirst into supporting topics like this from the ground up when you look at who they are. This furthers their goal of not just building a brewery that this city can be extremely proud of, but of creating one that can actually change parts of an industry that they identify as not being where they want them to be. This is a massive, massive deal, and one that makes me extremely proud to be a loyal drinker of their beer.

The Relationship

MadTree as a brewery is no stranger to the Cincinnati State Brewing Science program. They’ve built a strong relationship over the years with many alumni working at the brewery, including Brittany Frey the brewery’s production manager. Ms. Frey also sits on the board of Cincinnati’s chapter of the Pink Boots Society alongside Carla Gesell-Streeter who is the program chair of Cincinnati States Brewing Science Program.

Danielle Sickmiller is the Cellar Lead at MadTree and was a classmate of Brittany’s and was also MadTree’s first intern back in 2018. She spent a summer with the brewery’s production team getting hands on experience, and the experience certainly shaped her desire to work for MadTree after graduation.

You can find stories like this all across this city. Folks who cut their teeth in the program, and have found their way into breweries locally. With them, and places like MadTree pushing hard to further what this industry can and should be. We’re in for a bright future.

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