I think we’re supposed to call it Cannabis to make it sound a little more mainstream, or perhaps to make it sound a little less like the crap you used to buy from your buddy ‘Diesel’ behind the bleachers… regardless – this is a big move for Boston Beer, the company that owns Sam Adams. Boston Beer is introducing a new line of Cannabis infused iced teas that certainly does quite a bit to keep diversifying their drinks portfolio.
Before you start getting yourself too excited about this – the products will initially only be available in Canada, launching this July – but I’m definitely of the belief that as the laws here in the United States keep evolving, it’s only a matter of time before you find this on store shelves here.
About The Product
Teapot blends real tea with specific cannabis strains to enhance specific times of the day (or that’s what they’re telling us). The first release is called ‘Good Day Iced Tea’ – it’s made with real lemon black tea and then infused with Pedro’s Sweet Sativa, a unique cultivar that is grown in Strathroy, Ontario by licensed producer Entourage Health Corp. and sold exclusively in Canada under its retail brand Color Cannabis.
Each 12oz can of teapot contains 5mg of THC and is crafted to minimize any cannabis taste or aroma… dare I say that this is the non-weed person’s weed drink? Light enough to enjoy even if you’re a little sensitive to the effects or the taste and aroma of traditional weed enjoyment.
Additional varieties are going to be coming in the upcoming months, too.
Why Is This Happening?

If you’ve been missing the rise, modernization, and adaptation of weed into the mainstream over the last years, I don’t know how to tell you that you’ve been living under a rock. With an increased understanding of Cannabis’s place in mainstream life and culture, companies have been quick to try to adapt and prepare for it – drinkable beverages are, of course, going to play a large role in that.
In Canada, for example, since 2020 the infused beverage market share has increased by nearly 850% according to Handset retail data and it is approximately twice the size of the current cannabis market in the US.
Boston Beer is dedicating itself to being the most innovative consumer-focused beverage company on the planet, and while they are quick to point out that beer is literally their middle name, they have also introduced plenty of other successful products, like hard teas, hard ciders, hard seltzers, and canned cocktails. The increased growth of this segment is one that they believe is going to be an innovative frontier, and as they await further progress on US regulations it only makes sense to keep developing an exciting product pipeline in the federally regulated market of Canada.
If you want to know more about Teapot, you can visit their website right here, or follow them on social media. I’ll, of course, do my best to keep you up to date on any news that I think is exciting right here, though!