Higher Gravity Coffee Takes Mornings To A New Level
Written By: The Gnarly Gnome
Photos By: The Gnarly Gnome

Higher Gravity has become a hub for folks looking for great craft alcoholic beverages. It makes sense, then, that they take that same personality and thought process into our mornings and introduce their coffee program. HG Coffee made its official debut at their Summit Park location this weekend (coincidentally, it coincided with their anniversary party in Blue Ash.)
People showed up in droves not only to support the business (which has found an incredible support system of loyal fans in both their locations) but also to support the next piece of the puzzle that makes Summit Park an incredible neighborhood within a neighborhood.
Why This Was So Needed
You can get a cup of coffee in the morning around Summit Park; there are a couple of places that will happily pour a mediocre cup of drip coffee that has been sitting around all morning long. But that’s not what some of us want (I firmly believe it isn’t what any of us want once we figure it out.)
HG Coffee Co is about more than just opening its doors in the early morning and pouring some coffee for folks out for their morning walk. This takes the exact care, attention to detail, and love for the beverage itself that you’ve come to expect from their beer, wine, and cocktail programs and showcasing the same thing for coffee.
There’s always a need and a desire from those of us who really care and appreciate the drinks we consume to have spaces that not only elevate the beverages themselves but celebrate them in the same way that we do. This is what makes Higher Gravity so special. They actually care about things in the same way that we do.

What To Expect
This isn’t going to come as a shock to anyone who regularly or even occasionally hangs out at Higher Gravity already. It’s not like they move tables around, change the decor, and then switch it back when people start drinking beer in the afternoon. All the things that you have come to know and love about them are precisely the same things that will make you know and love HG Coffee when you step foot inside for the first time.
The team (Higher Gravity is owned by partners Jason Parnes and Nick Belleman) has spent a ton of time preparing for this. A lot of the space layout in Summit Park was designed for this hybrid-type model. They wanted to open with this concept, but their landlord asked them to go a different route to bring in another coffee concept. When things changed… they kicked into high gear. Seating has been updated to reflect a more laid-back approach; some new equipment was brought in to occupy the space it was always meant to – and like that… it all seems to come together.
It comes together really, well – too. An extensive bar, plenty of high tops and low top seats for socializing or working, and a new “lounge area” with couches and big, comfy chairs. The space quickly meets the needs of whatever you’re looking to get out of it.

It Takes A Nerds
In the same way that it’s tough for someone who doesn’t love and appreciate the alcohol space to open spots like Higher Gravity did in Northside and Summit Park if you want to have a coffee shop that actually feels good and gets people as pumped up about coffee as they are your booze – you have to be passionate.
Higher Gravity not only has some real coffee nerds behind its bar, but as it continues to grow its team (the new hours with the coffee program will double the number of staff it can have), they look to keep bringing on people who are as nerdy about coffee as they are.
This opens up a new door for folks who might not be as “into” coffee right now but are curious about it and looking to work their way in. It also green lights a whole new side of cocktails or coffee-adjacent beverages that drinkers will enjoy exploring.

Where’s It Go From Here?
Before you go asking… there aren’t currently any plans to bring the coffee concept to their original location in Northside. The team believes the neighborhood in Northside already has options for coffee fanatics. That doesn’t mean that they’re ruling it out in the future if those needs ever change, though.
As for Summit Park – they’re now open seven days a week for you to snag a great coffee beverage, hang out for a bit, and get some work done. It’s an incredible spot to talk coffee, craft beverages, and geek out with like-minded folks.

Higher Gravity – Northside
4106 Hamilton Ave
Northside, Ohio 45223
For More Information
Higher Gravity – Summit Park
10241 Summit Pkwy
Blue Ash, Ohio 45242
For More Information