If you don’t remember, around September-ish of last year, Rhinegeist and Sun King’s First collaboration (called emergency hop kit) finally rolled into the ohio market in draft and can formats.
The beer was a marriage of Rhinegeist’s massively popular Truth IPA and Sun Kings flagship Osiris Pale Ale. The beer was not only delicious, it looks like it might have only been the start of things to come between the two breweries.
Why The Collaboration?
The mindset of both breweries, Rhinegeist and Sun King, are very similar. I suppose that makes sense, though, as Rhinegeist’s head brewer Jim Matt cut his teeth at the Indianapolis brewery. He has said a few times that this is really where his love of big, hoppy, West Coast style beers fell into place. It only made sense not only for them to collaborate then, but to keep rolling with the collaborations now.
And keeping rolling they are!
Emergency Malt Kit
What do you do when you’ve already created Emergency Hop Kit? You explore the malty side! Here’s what we know from the recency approved can label:
With our second collaboration, we bring you respite from the chills of winter with a deeply complex, rich and malty lumberjack of a brew. This scotch-ale-meets-Belgian-dark-hybrid descendent of Mastodon and Wee Muckle aims to embrace your palate in a flannelly, chocolatey, enormously malty two-state bear hug and warm you to your core.
This beer is rolling out in perfect timing… right as the weather is starting to change, and the chills of what is going to smack us in the face – winter – are setting in. The marriage of Mastodon and Wee Muckle sounds freaking delicious, and perfect for a chilly night.
This is a nice big Scottish ale, clocking in at 7% ABV, so it should be really nice and filling for a cold winter day…certainly worthy of cracking one open in an emergency… or just whenever you feel like it I suppose!
UPDATE: The Release
I was pretty stoked to open my inbox this week to see an email with more information about this beer in it. The brewery is releasing this in cans and on draft starting Monday, November 14th. Keep in mind, though, much like it’s predessesor, Emergency Hop Kit, this will only be around for a limited time, so if you wanna get your hands on it, don’t waste any time to do so! Read my tasting notes too… I spend a lot of time working on those!