The seltzer industry isn’t known for pushing boundaries. It’s hard to get super creative when you’re crafting fizzy water that has alcohol and fruit flavor in it. Breweries are trying, they’re loading theirs up with real fruit or trying innovative new ways to ferment it. In the case of Covington, Kentucky’s Braxton Brewing Company they’re now turning to everyone’s favorite gourd and the pumpkin spice craze that sweeps over us every fall. You read that right, Pumpkin Spice Seltzer is coming.
The press release just hit my inbox, and I couldn’t wait to share this with you, although you won’t start seeing six packs of these hit shelves until next month. They’ll retail for $9.99 and you’ll see them at all the places you typically shop for your Vive Seltzer right now. The big question looms, though – why?
Why In The World Would You Make A Pumpkin Spice Seltzer?
I know that some of you will ask this. And it’s the wrong question to be asking. You should have seen it coming, and you should have been asking yourself “why not?”. Craft beer isn’t just about creating the same old beer styles that have been around for centuries. It’s about innovating, creating, trying fun things (even the absurd… mustard beer anyone?).
Braxton is making this product in an effort to challenge the industry, try something new and to meet the needs of us as drinkers who constantly clamor for something unique. I applaud this, and the curiosity factor alone will get me to buy a six pack.
The brewery points out that it’s hard not to notice that customer base for both hard seltzers and pumpkin spiced everything are closely related. It should be pretty interesting not only to try this – but to see the overall reception of something that is really different in the category.
Stay tuned – you know I’ll be trying this when I can get my hands on it. For now, if you want more information on Braxton or their Vive line of seltzers, you can always find it here on the blog, or head on over to Braxton’s website or their social media.